- Program to Print Hello World.
- Program to Accept values of Two Numbers and print their Addition.
- Program to accept three Number and Print Largest among them.
- Program to Accept value of Radius and Calculate Area of Circle.
- Program to Accept value of length & width and Calculate Area of Rectangle.
- Program to Accept value of the side of Square and Calculate Area of Square.
- Program to Calculate Area's.
- Program to Find Simple Interest and Compound Interest.
- Program to Calculate Binary Number Calculation.
- Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
- Program to Create a Simple Calculator.
- Program to Calculate Mean.
- Program to Convert Binary to Decimal.
- Program to Convert Binary to Octal.
- Program to Convert Decimal to Binary.
- Program to Find Fraction Addition.
- Program to Find Fraction Subtraction.
- Program to Find GCDLCM.
- Program to Find Harmonic Series.
- Program to Create Multiplication Table.
- Alphabet Pattern.
- Binary Pattern.
- Floyd Triangle.
- Number pattern 1.
- Number pattern 2.
- Number pattern 3.
- Number pattern 4.
- Number pattern 5.
- Number pattern 6.
- Number pattern 7.
- Number pattern 8.
- Number pattern 9.
- Number pattern 10.
- Star Pattern 1.
- Star Pattern 2.
- Star Pattern 3.
- Star Pattern 4.
- Star Pattern 5.
- Triangle Pattern.
- Array Sum and Average.
- Display Array using for-each loop.
- Add All Array Elements
- Add Digit Sum.
- Program to Add Elements In an Array.
- Program of All Characters To Lower Case.
- Program to Display N Numbers
- Program to Check the Words are Anagram or not.
- Program to display Array List Demo.
- Program for Arrays Example .
- Program for Arrays Practice.
- Program to convert Byte To String.
- Program to Calculate Average And Percentage .
- Program for Character Classes.
- Program to Check Alphabet Or Not.
I'm a student of Computer Science. I work My self for better present.